Friday, August 12, 2011

How To Become A Computer Consultant

wanted to become a computer consultant, but you weren't sure if you could cut it? Do you have a basic understanding of computer-systems, strong problem-solving skills, and a desire to help other people? If so, then you already possess the main abilities and traits that you need to become a computer consultant.
In this article, we'll look at the business opportunities for computer consultants, the reasons why there will almost always be a strong need for good computer consultants, and what it takes for you to achieve success if you want to become a computer consultant.
Become a Computer Consultant and Your Income Can Soar
In a traditional corporate IT job, your earnings potential and career advancement possibilities are ultimately constrained by many things that are simply beyond your control. This often includes lazy or incompetent peers, ineffective management, or a seniority system that rewards obsolete employees and punishes newer, more aggressive go-getters.
When you become a computer consultant, these annoyances are largely a moot point. If you don't like your "peers", go find better partners and subcontractors to associate with.
If one of your "bosses" (i.e. a major client) is losing respect and running their company into the ground, you can go look for a new client to replace the problem client.
And forget about ever being unappreciated. No client is going to pay you or your consulting firm $100 an hour (or more) for your services if they don't value your expertise! And even though your clients generally won't clap for you, your bank account will.
So in sharp contrast to a traditional computer-related job, when you become a computer consultant your income potential can soar, because YOU are in control of YOUR future.
Business Opportunities for Computer Consultants
The market for those that want to become a computer consultant is diverse and still growing.
Because virtually every company and organization needs some kind of IT-help, whether it be from internal employees, outsourced computer consultants, or some combination of the two, the choice to become a computer consultant can put you on track for a winning career and a very successful, highly-profitable services business.
Now you may be thinking, "why would I want to become a computer consultant", when there are already so many people doing it? And that's a perfectly natural question.
However, competition is actually a good thing for computer consultants. Because if there were no other computer consultants out there in profitable businesses, you'd have to wonder whether the computer consultant industry was viable and profitable.
Think about it... would you really want to be in an industry where no one else has ever been able to have a profitable, sustainable business?
The fact is that many computer consultant businesses are horribly run and have huge customer satisfaction problems. Those problems are your opportunity though. As long as you can provide a cost-effective solution to what small businesses need, your computer consultant business can be very successful.
Also remember that as technology changes, even more opportunities are created. Could a computer consultant make a living 10 years ago by blocking SPAM or cleaning up spyware? Of course not. These problems were miniscule compared to today's epidemics. Today these are mainstream problems that plague virtually every small company and scream out for the need for more computer consultants.
What other industry do you know that is continually creating more potential clients?
Skills You Need to Become a Computer Consultant
As you begin to investigate further into how to become a computer consultant, start by listing your own computer-related current skills. Are you the person all your friends and family consult when they have a computer problem? Are you the one everyone turns to in your office for help on computer problems?
Most likely, you already have many marketable skills you will need to become a computer consultant.
Don't think you have to be an expert in every portion and every detail of all aspects of using and repairing a computer. That is not true.
With the scope and diversification of the industry, it would be impossible to become that knowledgeable. By finding qualified computer consultants to partner with and subcontract work to, your computer consultant business can easily plug most common skills gaps that you may encounter in the field.
From Employee to Computer Consultant
If you are already working as an employee in one of the many fields of the computer industry, making the transition to become a computer consultant could be one of the best decisions you will make.
Aside from increasing your income for the same work you are already doing, there are many other benefits to moonlighting or working full-time for yourself.
The cool part about moonlighting however is that you can try out what it's like to become a computer consultant, while you still retain the safety net of your day job.
In addition, with moonlighting, you can also start building up a steady client list and reference accounts that will give you a huge head start in building out your client list, as you become a computer consultant.
Non-Technical Skills for Computer Consultants
In order to become a computer consultant, there are also other aspects you should consider other than just your computer knowledge. As with any venture into working for yourself, there are a few traits that make it much easier.
For example, are you self-motivated?
Can you maintain the drive to work just as though you had an employer looking over your shoulder?
Are you ready to wear the many "hats" (i.e. accounting, marketing, sales, operations, etc.) self-employment requires?
Marketing, record keeping, planning, and providing the actual billable computer-related services are all parts of the agenda you will be required to either handle yourself, or delegate to another professional.
However, don't let these items overwhelm your desire to become a computer consultant.
While these are all important to a computer consultant business, there are ways to make sure they are done without overtaxing yourself.
The Bottom Line
The decision to become a computer consultant is not one that should be made lightly. However, for hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs around the globe, the decision to become a computer consultant can be a great business opportunity. In this article we looked at business opportunities for computer consultants, the reasons why they'll almost always be a strong need for good computer consultants, and what it takes for you to achieve success if you want to become a computer consultant. To continue learning more about how you can become a computer consultant, sign-up for the free audio training seminar,
 5 Easy Ways to

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